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Ammar relates from Ibne Abbas – One afternoon I dreamt of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) standing with his hair disheveled and with dust on them. He was holding a phial of blood.
I said – May my parents by sacrificed at you. What are you holding? The Prophet
(s.a.w.a.) informed – I am holding this phial filled with the blood of my son and his companions that I have been collecting all the day long.
I remembered that day and when the news of Husain’s (a.s.) martyrdom reached us,
I corresponded that day with the day I had dreamt about the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and realized
that it was the same day.
Al-Sawaaeq al-Muhreqah p 642-643 Al-Isabah fi Tameez al-Sahabah p 334 Al-Istiaab fi Asma al-Ashaab p 340 Usd al-Ghaabah fi Marifat al-Sahaabah v 2, p 23 Musnad Ahmad v 4, p 29 Tarikh Dimishq v 4, p 343 Tazkerato Khwaas al-Ummah p 152

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