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Why the names of Ahle Bait (as) are not mentioned in Holy Quran? – Examination

Index: Why the names of Ahle Bait (as) are not mentioned in Holy Quran? 1.…

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Imam Hasan b. Ali (a.s.) said: I have heard from my grandfather, the Holy Prophet…

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It is narrated from Abu Saeed Khudri that a man asked about the interpretation of…

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Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) informed: Then I am the Reminder from whom the people have deviated…

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Jabir b. Abdullah Ansari: I entered the Kufa Mosque to find Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) writing…

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How Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) came to be among Ali’s (a.s.) Shias

While the Muslim community is amazed about the esteemed status of Imam Ali Ibn Abi…

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The Superiority of Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s (a.s.) Birth Over All Others

Muslims attempt to prove the rule of the pseudo-caliphs with the most spurious, irrational, and…

  • Ahle Bait (a.s.)
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Why the names of Ahle Bait (as) are not mentioned in Holy Quran? – Distortion in the Quran

Index: Why the names of Ahle Bait (as) are not mentioned in Holy Quran? 1.…

  • Ahle Bait (a.s.)
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Why the names of Ahle Bait (as) are not mentioned in Holy Quran? – Allah’s Sunnah

Index: Why the names of Ahle Bait (as) are not mentioned in Holy Quran? 1.…

  • Traditions


Imams (a.s.) have informed (a.s.): Faith is not complete of any man till he does…