Relation between Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) and the Noble Quran
Reading Time: 6 minutesAmeerul Momineen’s (a.s.) association and relation with the Noble Quran runs deep right from the start when the divine call came to [...]
Reading Time: 5 minutesMuslim majority maintains that contrary to the claims of the Shias, the matter of Imamat was not as straightforward with textual endorsement (Nass) from the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Else why would the clan of the Imams […]
Reading Time: 3 minutesIstigatha (calling out respected personalities for help) and Tawassul (seeking divine intervention through the medium of respected personalities) are clearly mandated in Islam basis unambiguous Quranic verses and reliable traditions (Sunnah). Yet there are constant […]
Reading Time: 2 minutesThere is much debate and denial on the controversial role of certain companions (Sahaba) immediately after the martyrdom of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Right from the assault on house of Lady Fatima Zahra (s.a.) to the […]
Reading Time: 4 minutesAmong the objections on Hadith al-Ghadeer is related to the word ‘Mawla’. The skeptics claim that the word Mawla used in the Hadith does not mean Khalifa (Caliph) or Ulul al-Amr (leader entrusted with divine […]
Reading Time: 11 minutesWhen it comes to the central tenet of Twelve Imams critics of the Shia faith claim: The belief in the Twelve Imams was not universally accepted or recognized among early Shia sects, such as the […]
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