Imam Sadiq (a.s.) informed – Surely Allah in His Book has made it obligatory on the people to obey us and the people cannot claim ignorance in this matter…
(T TAFAY vol 1 pg 16)
Reading Time: < 1minuteAbu Zarr (r.a.): I heard from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) that he said: Israfeel boasted to Jibrail – I am better than you. Jibrail: How are you better than me? Israfeel: I am the […]
Reading Time: < 1minuteThe Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said: I will be at the Pool of Kawthar on the Day of Judgement and you, O Ali, will distribute the water. Hasan will keep people away from the Pool; […]
Reading Time: < 1minuteImam Jafar b. Muhammad al-Sadiq (a.s.) informed: The family of the Prophet (a.s.), and after them, their Shia, are the most pious people. Others follow their examples. Bashaarah al-Mustafa Le Shiah al-Murtaza v 2 p […]
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