Abdul Rahman b. Hamid b. Abdul Rahman b. Auf, on the authority of his father that:
When Abu Bakr had a fatal illness, he said – I am not sorry about anything in this world except for three actions I did which I wish I had never done; for three things I did not do that I wish I had done; and three things which I wish I had asked Allahs Prophet (s.a.wa.). And the three things I did which I wish I had never done:
1- I wish I had not opened the door of Fatimas house even if it was shut in preparation for war.
2- I wish I had not burnt Al-Fuja but killed him or freed him upon victory over him.
3- I wish on the day of the council (Saqifa) of Bani Saeda I had given the rule to either Umar or Abu Ubaydah and let either one rule and I be their minister.
And the three things I did not do but I wish I had done:
1- I wish I had chopped off the neck of Ashath ibn Qays on the day on which he was captured and brought to me. I think one doesnt experience any evil unless he assists an evil one.
2- I wish I had gone to a town near the war front when I sent Khalid to fight with those who had turned back from the religion, so that I could have seen the Muslims victory with my very own eyes and could have joined or been of some assistance to the Muslims if there had been any plots against them.
3- I wish when I dispatched Khalid to Syria I had dispatched Umar b. Khattab to the east (to Iraq and Iran) and had used both my armies in the way of God.
And the three things which I wish I had asked Allahs Prophet (s.a.w.a.) are as follows:
1- I wish I had asked him (s.a.w.a.) about his successor so that there would be no quarrels about it after his demise.
2- I wish I had asked him (s.a.w.a.) whether the Ansar had any share in the rule (caliphate).
3- And I wish I had asked him (s.a.w.a.) about the inheritance for ones brother and uncle since I feel I need to know this.
Al-Khesaal chapter 3 trad 228
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