

Reading Time: < 1 minuteImam Sadiq (a.s.) informed regarding the soil of Karbala – In the soil of Karbala is a remedy for every illness and it is the greatest medicine. Man laa Yahzorohu al-Faqih v 2 p 599



Reading Time: < 1 minuteImam Sajjad (a.s.) – When our Qaim arises, Allah would remove the troubles of our Shias and make their hearts like iron ingots and each of them would become as strong as forty men and […]



Reading Time: < 1 minuteJibraeel (a.s.) informed Adam (a.s.) (about Imam Husain (a.s.)) – O Adam, this son of yours would be involved in such a hardship that calamities would seem small before it. Behaar al-Anwaar v 44 p […]


Ziyaarat-e-Aashoora – A Divine Salutation

Reading Time: 17 minutesZiyaarat–e-Aashoora and the supplication recited after it, which is famous as Dua-e-Alqamah, are reliable narrations which cannot be rejected. Their presence in ancient and authentic Shia books shows that scholars, traditionalists and theologians have been […]