Reading Time: 3minutesUmme Salmah, one of the wives of the Prophet, heard that one of her servants hated Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.) and insulted him. So she sent for him. When this servant came, Umme Salmah […]
Reading Time: < 1minuteIbn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) informed Ali b. Abi Talib(a.s): O Ali! You are the owner of my Pool and you are the owner of my flag. You are the one who […]
Reading Time: < 1minuteShuraik narrates I went to visit Sulaiman Al-Amash when he was ill with the illness that took his life. Ibn Abi Leyla, Ibn Sheyrama, and Abu Hanifa entered the house. Abu Hanifa approached Sulaiman […]
Reading Time: < 1minuteMuhammad b. Abi Umair narrates – I asked Imam Sadiq: Why did Ameerul Momineen Ali (a.s.) not fight against his opponents in the very beginning? Imam (a.s.) replied: It was due to the verse of […]
Reading Time: < 1minuteProphet (s.a.w.a.) informed I was honored over the other Prophets by the following four things: the ground was established as the place of prostration and cleansing for my nation. Should any of my followers […]
Reading Time: < 1minuteImam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates – The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) said to Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.) Should I give you glad tidings? Ali (a.s) said – Yes, O Messenger of Allah. The […]
Reading Time: 2minutesImam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) narrates: My father (Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s)) entered the mosque and saw a group of our Shias. He approached them and said Salaam to them. Then he said: I swear to […]
Reading Time: 4minutesImam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) narrates: When Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) – Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.), returned from the Battle of Nahrawan to Kufa, he heard that Muawiya had been cursing and insulting him, and was […]
Reading Time: < 1minuteImran b. Hasin narrates: I was with Umar b. Khattab, who was sitting next to the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), and Ali b. Abi Taleb (a.s.) was sitting on the other side of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.). Then […]
Reading Time: < 1minuteImam Jafar b. Muhammad (a.s.) informed: Those who find love for us in their hearts should pray for their mothers because their mothers were faithful to their fathers. Behaar al-Anwaar v 27 p 147 Al-Amaali […]